It has been observed that in the past, engagement from parishes with the Deanery has not been entirely wholehearted as parishes are overwhelmed with their own parochial concerns and Deanery meetings are viewed to some extent as distractions which take precious resources from the local churches’ endeavours to serve their own communities. It is felt that this lack of engagement needs addressing as a priority in order that churches within the Deanery become known as valuable partners in mission and that the wider Deanery as a whole may be regarded as both the provider of resources for parishes and a mission field in which each parish has a genuine interest. It is intended:
• The Deanery will have a collaborative ethos.
• Parishes will rejoice in their gospel partnerships within the Deanery and Diocese.
• Human Resources will be freely shared across Parish boundaries.
• Other resources will be made readily available to serve the mission of the gospel.
Here are three indicative goals aimed at improving collaboration. Others will follow.
- Goal 1.1 – To pay 100% of Parish Share on time each year
- Goal 1.2 – To create a website for Deanery documents, news updates and useful links and resources
- Goal 1.3 – To identify and establish helpful partnerships between parishes or individual officeholders