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Goal 1.1

To Pay 100% of Parish Share on time each year

Timeframe: Ongoing – year on year
Responsibility: All PCCs – with oversight from the Rural Dean
Success Criteria: Reports from the Diocesan Board of Finance demonstrate we are paying on time.

The Diocesan Finance Department produces reports early each month showing the cumulative position for the Deanery at the end of the previous month.  You can check these figures here.

Current position – 23rd July 2024

According to the latest Diocesan report (end of March, three months of the year), our deanery has paid 93.42% of the request made of us. This is probably slightly better than where we were last year.

Don’t forget, if your parish is struggling, please do not do so in silence – it is far better to ask for help than have someone come asking why you’re behind!

Is your parish behind with its payments?  Are you able to encourage your treasurer to pay on time?  Would you or your PCC value help or advice on this matter?  The Diocesan website has some helpful information and some very readable downloadable documents, here.  Or get in touch with your questions…