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Cold Weather Warning

I love this time of year for its crisp frosts and vibrant blue skies. I’m not a meteorologist, but it seems to me that it has been unseasonably warm and dry in recent weeks. But… Cold Weather Warning

Advent Update

I thought I would write a brief note with some news from the deanery and share the Christmas reflection I wrote for my own parish magazines. Thundridge and High Cross From 31st December, this benefice… Advent Update

New Year, New Terrain

I’ve said before on this blog that September continues to feel like a New Year long after we have stopped attending school.  In part, this is because the habits are deeply engrained in us because… New Year, New Terrain

Messy Church

When the Russian armed forces crossed the border into Ukraine, as well as the cries of outrage and disbelief that were given voice in prayer and on social media, there were conversations of compassion and… Messy Church

Spring Encouragements

At our last Synod meeting, I proposed that there should be greater collaboration and communication between the parishes of our deanery, and indicated that one way of achieving this would be better use of this… Spring Encouragements