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The Forgiveness Project Exhibition

Christ Church Ware Christ Church, New Road, Ware, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

The F Word: Stories of Forgiveness exhibition is a thought provoking collection of arresting images and personal narratives exploring forgiveness in the face of atrocity. Drawing together voices from South Africa, America, Israel, Palestine, Northern Ireland and England, the exhibition examines forgiveness as a healing process, a path out of victimhood and, ultimately, a journey of hope. "I have seen the exhibition… Read More »The Forgiveness Project Exhibition

Deanery Synod Meeting

Christ Church Ware Christ Church, New Road, Ware, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

We are delighted to meet at Christ Church, Ware, following their major renovation.  The meeting will contain a presentation from Revd John Hookway (vicar of Christ Church) about the project and its underpinning vision.  There will also be material on how the funds were raised and aspects of responsible Christian stewardship. There will be an… Read More »Deanery Synod Meeting


All Saints Vicarage All Saints Vicarage, Churchfields, Hertford, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

A meeting of the clergy of the Deanery. We welcome the Youthscape Research Team and new Diocesan Youth Missioner and help them see how our churches are engaging with or thinking about growing the faith of young people as part of a wider project.  It is anticipated the findings will contribute to the Big Conversation… Read More »Chapter


Christ Church Ware Christ Church, New Road, Ware, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

Actual times to be finalised.

Marriage Preparation Day

Christ Church Ware Christ Church, New Road, Ware, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

A day of preparation for marriage run by Care for the Family. "Specially designed for engaged couples and couples considering marriage, our Marriage Preparation Day is a brilliant time for you to enjoy together.  Amazing value at only £25 for you both, it is packed full of great tips for a wonderful marriage.  It’s a fantastic investment in your future." For more information and to… Read More »Marriage Preparation Day


Village Ministers

Hunsdon Rectory Hunsdon Rectory, Acorn Street, Hunsdon, Ware, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

A meeting of the clergy and others who minister in the villages of our Deanery.

LLW Training 2019

Christ Church Ware Christ Church, New Road, Ware, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

Session 1 of a training course for Lay Leaders of Worship. This course is 6 sessions long and is being hosted in the Christ Church Centre, Ware (to the rear of the car park behind the church). Application forms from the Diocesan website - see link below.

Standing/Pastoral Committee Meeting

All Saints Church Queen's Road, Hertford, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

For elected representatives.  Documentation available in secure area of site.