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Deanery Synod Meeting

St Andrew Hertford St Andrew Street, Hertford, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

Topic: Environmental Responsibility - Broken World, Radical Solutions We are delighted to be able to welcome Andy Lester, Conservation Director of A Rocha, a Christian charity working for the protection and restoration of the natural world.  He was recommended to us from the St Albans Diocesan Synod where he gave a stimulating address last year. Environmental Responsibility… Deanery Synod Meeting

Village Ministers

A meeting of the clergy and others who minister in the villages of our Deanery.


A meeting of the clergy of the Deanery.

Village Ministers

Hunsdon Rectory Hunsdon Rectory, Acorn Street, Hunsdon, Ware, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

A meeting of the clergy and others who minister in the villages of our Deanery.


All Saints Vicarage All Saints Vicarage, Churchfields, Hertford, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

A meeting of the clergy of the Deanery.

Deanery Synod Meeting

Wareside School Wareside C of E Primary School, Reeves Green, Wareside, Ware, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

The major item of business of this Synod meeting will be to consider ministry and mission with and amongst "the elderly".  We have a arranged a presentation about services structured so that those who are living with dementia will feel comfortable and some practical reflections about worship from an older person.  There will be some… Deanery Synod Meeting

Village Ministers

St Mary's House St Mary's House, Church Lane, Stapleford,, Hertford, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

A meeting of the clergy and others who minister in the villages of our Deanery.

Standing/Pastoral Committee Meeting

All Saints Church Queen's Road, Hertford, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

Agenda and other papers will be uploaded to Committee pages.

Churchwardens’ Tea

All Saints Vicarage All Saints Vicarage, Churchfields, Hertford, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

A gathering of the Deanery's Churchwardens with the Rural Dean, Assistant Rural Dean and Deanery Lay Chair. This social event will be a good opportunity for wardens to share experience, concerns and questions and will include a presentation of the forthcoming Archdeacon's Visitation Inspections. Please let Jo know if you can attend.

Deanery Synod Meeting

High Leigh High Leigh Conference Centre, Lord Street, Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

This meeting is a special social event with food which should give time for people to create and nurture relationships with representatives from across the Deanery.  Bookings via the Deanery Secretary, please.