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King George's Field, Ware King George's Field, Ware, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

Festival Event being organised by a partnership of individuals from the teams of Love Ware:Live Ware community project & Christ Church Ware. See website for more information and how you can get involved...

Walden Bible Focus

Saffron Walden URC United Reformed Church, Abbey Lane, Saffron Walden, United Kingdom

"Out of Step?  Christ-like living in today's world" John Risbridger from Above Bar Church in Southampton will unpack teaching on holy living from 1 Peter chapters 1 and 2.  See website for more information. The event is free to attend.  Donations are invited.

Shaping the Culture of Local Churches

Christ Church Ware Christ Church, New Road, Ware, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

The well-known saying 'culture eats strategy for breakfast' suggests that even our best efforts to evangelise and grow churches can be thwarted if the culture of local churches is not supportive of and undergirding this intent.  This day will explore what culture is and how to read it, the ways in which culture and strategy… Shaping the Culture of Local Churches


Deanery Confirmation

St Andrew Hertford St Andrew Street, Hertford, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

With Bishop Alan of St Albans

Village Ministers

A meeting of the clergy and others who minister in the villages of our Deanery.

Reaching New People Vision Day

Rothamsted Conference Centre West Common, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

To enable leaders / benefices / parishes to explore, in their particular context, how they might reach new people and enable them to grow in faith by developing fresh expressions of church and equipping leaders...   Attendance is free and lunch and refreshments will be provided. If you would like to attend please can you… Reaching New People Vision Day

Deanery Synod Meeting

Christ Church Ware Christ Church, New Road, Ware, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

Refreshments served from 7:30pm Considering Worship - full title and more details to be confirmed


A meeting of the clergy of the Deanery.

Interfaith Event

Fletcher's Lea Fletcher's Lea, Ware Priory, High Street, Ware, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

This is an event organised by East Herts District Council, but the Ware Churches Together have been involved and all are invited. Contact Revd David Sheppard at St Mary's Ware if you think you might be able to help represent the Christian faith.