Harvest Time
We welcome Revd Simon Cutmore to the deanery. Simon was licensed as Priest in Charge of All Saints, Hertford, on 4th September. Have you any confirmation candidates in your churches? There’s to be a confirmation… Harvest Time
News for the [not so] New Year
Many people make New Year’s Resolutions. I don’t, but I did plan to write a blog post early in the New Year. Many people fail to keep their resolutions; and I am prepared to admit… News for the [not so] New Year
With Bishop Richard of Bedford
Spring Encouragements
At our last Synod meeting, I proposed that there should be greater collaboration and communication between the parishes of our deanery, and indicated that one way of achieving this would be better use of this… Spring Encouragements
With Bishop Alan of St Albans
With the Bishop of St Albans
Actual times to be finalised.