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Harvest Time

We welcome Revd Simon Cutmore to the deanery. Simon was licensed as Priest in Charge of All Saints, Hertford, on 4th September. Have you any confirmation candidates in your churches? There’s to be a confirmation… Harvest Time

New Life

I hope everyone has had a wonderful Easter (not that Easter, is over, of course – there are several more weeks yet!). I write now because I want to bring you up to speed with… New Life

New Year 2024

The start of the New Year often brings us a sense of hope, just like a blank page in an exercise or art book presents a world of possibilities. For individuals, this might mean a… New Year 2024

Preparing the Way

I had cause, in early July, to visit The Range (the large shop which seems to sell everything). One of my daughters wanted a particular kind of photo frame. I am pleased to say that… Preparing the Way

New Membership

I think all the Annual Meetings have now taken place (or if not, there are only a couple left). That means that the Deanery Synod representatives have been appointed for the next three years. Some… New Membership

Cold Weather Warning

I love this time of year for its crisp frosts and vibrant blue skies. I’m not a meteorologist, but it seems to me that it has been unseasonably warm and dry in recent weeks. But… Cold Weather Warning