A New Chaplain among us
In our last blogpost, we were introduced to one of our two new curates. Here, in his own words, is some more information about the other! I’m Fr. Jake Pass, the new Curate at St… A New Chaplain among us
In our last blogpost, we were introduced to one of our two new curates. Here, in his own words, is some more information about the other! I’m Fr. Jake Pass, the new Curate at St… A New Chaplain among us
Just before the summer, the deanery was blessed with the arrival of two curates – trainee pastors (shepherds) – both of whom will be based in Ware for the next few years – one at… A New Partner in the Gospel
I’ve said before on this blog that September continues to feel like a New Year long after we have stopped attending school. In part, this is because the habits are deeply engrained in us because… New Year, New Terrain
When the Russian armed forces crossed the border into Ukraine, as well as the cries of outrage and disbelief that were given voice in prayer and on social media, there were conversations of compassion and… Messy Church
At our last Synod meeting, I proposed that there should be greater collaboration and communication between the parishes of our deanery, and indicated that one way of achieving this would be better use of this… Spring Encouragements
“I know the plans I have for you” 2022 is a special year for World Day of Prayer in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. This year, we have prepared the World Day of Prayer service.… World Day of Prayer Service
A meeting of the Synod Standing Committee to consider how best to coordinate efforts to achieve the Deanery Mission Action Plan and Review. Papers to be circulated to members.
Speaker: Lorraine Newman, Waterways Chaplain We gather for refreshments at 7:30pm and the meeting will start at 7:45pm
We are delighted to meet at Christ Church, Ware, following their major renovation. The meeting will contain a presentation from Revd John Hookway (vicar of Christ Church) about the project and its underpinning vision. There… Deanery Synod Meeting
Everyone is welcome to this Open Day showcasing the recent transformation of the church building and the exciting things that take place at Christ Church now and will do in the future. Please check for full… Christ Church Community Open Day