New Membership
I think all the Annual Meetings have now taken place (or if not, there are only a couple left). That means that the Deanery Synod representatives have been appointed for the next three years. Some… New Membership
I think all the Annual Meetings have now taken place (or if not, there are only a couple left). That means that the Deanery Synod representatives have been appointed for the next three years. Some… New Membership
I love this time of year for its crisp frosts and vibrant blue skies. I’m not a meteorologist, but it seems to me that it has been unseasonably warm and dry in recent weeks. But… Cold Weather Warning
Many people make New Year’s Resolutions. I don’t, but I did plan to write a blog post early in the New Year. Many people fail to keep their resolutions; and I am prepared to admit… News for the [not so] New Year
When the Russian armed forces crossed the border into Ukraine, as well as the cries of outrage and disbelief that were given voice in prayer and on social media, there were conversations of compassion and… Messy Church
It is an honour for me to be able to write to you as your new Rural Dean (elect). I succeed The Revd Canon Jo Loveridge, with whom I have worked closely over the last… Starting Up Again