No one who attended the most recent Deanery Synod meeting with Andy Lester from A Rocha UK could have left the presentation without some new knowledge or a sense of challenge. We must surely ask ourselves: how can we as individuals or churches act responsibly as stewards of God’s creation?
One timely suggestion has been made. Why not investigate the Living Lent website and take up one of the suggestions there…?
Living Lent is about recognising that changing our climate is not just an activity, but a lifestyle.That’s why this Lent, you are invited to become part of a community who will respond to the call to climate action by making significant personal commitments to changing our lifestyles for the climate.
from the Living Lent website
Are your churches doing anything special during Lent? Why not share it with others from the Deanery by using our Share Your Event Link?
Vacant benefices
Please pray for the interviews taking place on Thursday 28th February for a new minister for the Hartford Hundred Benefice, and that the advert for the post of Team Vicar for Little Amwell (Hertford Heath) would attract a good field of candidates.
Standing/pastoral committee
Since Revds Pauline Higham and Nick Sharp have moved away from the Deanery, we are two clergy representatives down on this committee. Please prayerfully consider whether you (if you’re clergy) or your priest (if you’re not) could share in this work to support the mission of God in the Deanery.
next synod meeting
14th May, venue yet to be finalised… We will be considering aspects of ministry to and with the elderly. Do put the date in your diaries and ensure that people from your churches are invited to this important meeting.